Monday, September 13, 2010

The Black Plague...

There has been a new monster in the house... sickness. If there is anything that annoys me more than anything else is getting sick, especially on a beautiful weekend!! I have been sick since Friday with the local bug that has taken out my best friend Tawnya & her two kids, my big brother in the Lord Charley, as well as my neighbor, Cindy. I'm sure there are others in the Clarinda area that have had it recently as well. I dislike being sick. There is just too much to do! I thought I would try to read my class assignments but my brain just wouldn't focus on it. I did get my Intro to Forensic Science quiz done but I have yet to sit down and get the post that is due tomorrow finished. I just haven't been able to concentrate. I am thankful for all the prayers I have received. I feel much better today than I have the last couple of days. I'm still dizzy, running a fever, among other things but it is much improved over yesterday and the days prior.  I'd write more but I'm really starting to wane thin again. Perhaps I can write more tonight. My love to all.

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