Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Employee of the Quarter

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!!  I was notified that I am being awarded the non-security Employee of the Quarter at my place of work.  To be honest, I cannot believe that I am receiving this award.  I do not feel that I have done anything spectacular enough to earn it. I actually thought my cousin Sandie was playing some kind of prank on me and it was for that reason that it took until well after lunch before I showed my boss, Brenda, the card I had received.  I just could not fathom why I was receiving this award!  Of course, I'm tickled pink about it and wouldn't for a moment turn down the award. It just "staggers" my imagination!!  All glory to Jesus Christ for this one!  Any goodness someone has seen in me is completely from Him, I assure you!

I do not let people in on how I am feeling very often.  I think it has a lot to do with being single as long as I have been.  It is just more natural for me to work through my own thoughts and feelings.  Today some old questions and thoughts rolled through my mind as I worked through the tasks that I need to finish before tomorrow evening.  Sometimes, it would be nice to get clear cut answers but at the same time, I'm glad I do not know the answers because if the answer wasn't what I have hoped...  Well, no one likes to have their hopes dashed! ha.

My darling Sadie has become more and more clingy to me lately.  On Saturday morning, mom came in to let the dogs out so I could sleep in a little later.  Sadie refused to get out from under the covers, so mom had to leave her right where she was at.  Well, in Sadie tradition, she attacked me at 8:30 and woke me up.  She is so special to me.  Every day, she is getting more and more loving with me.  When I call for Jeremiah, she races to beat him and will get up on my chest so that he is relegated to the stomach section. ha.  I do not know why she has become so clingy but it brings warmth to my heart.  It is nice knowing that I am loved and having someone to love in return.

Dogs are a special gift from the Lord....


  1. come on sis u know ur luvd! we luvvvvvv u! ur pups r ur kids and they r acting that way. lol luv ya hun! ur luvd no matter what!

  2. Thank you, Tuesday! :) They are my darlings aren't they??
