Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Set your phasers to stun!!!!

For those that have been wondering as to the rather vague notion to open doorways, I now can speak with full disclosure.  An opportunity to work as a Judicial Clerk at the Page County courthouse opened.  I had an interview the Thursday following the "Open Doors" posting. I interviewed and to be honest, I thought I had tanked it.  Some of the questions I was asked I did not expect to be asked.  A lot of "what if" and while I thought I had tanked the questions entirely, apparently I answered them well!  The following week, she began calling all my references which included my current boss and several co-workers.  Needless to say, the cat was literally "out of the bag"!  One co-worker, Dave, came into my office and said that if I was given the job that he would throw himself at my legs and grovel.  "Who else am I going to talk Star Trek with out here?" he cried.  I will miss Dave, he was a lot of fun.  It's not often you meet someone that loves Star Trek the way I do.  Any ways, back to the story. Last Tuesday, I was offered the position but she said that it had to go through her supervisor first along with a background check before I officially had the position.  She said I would hear from them in a few days.  Well a few days lasted a week!

Today I received the phone call from her that I had passed all the last checks and was approved by the supervisor.  She offered the job once more and I took it.  I then had to fill out a resignation for my current position.  I started feeling weepy as I did this.  While I won't miss necessarily going through those gates or knowing rather extensively the darkness in the hearts of man, I will miss many of my co-workers, especially those in the Education Department.  They're a great group of gals and that lone guy, Dave.  It's not easy making change.  I was thinking about how I'm going to have to start all over again building my reputation at this new place of employment.  However, I enjoy a challenge and I know it will be a challenge.  It sounds like the courthouse is in a season of transition, so this should be an interesting experience ahead.  With the help of Jesus, I can do all things!

This will change my life in about a million ways very soon....  To sum it up in true Star Trek form.... I will be exploring strange new worlds and seeking out a new life in new places... boldly going where I have never been before!!!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Open Doors

It is amazing to me how the Lord works sometimes.  It seems that when you're really looking hard for Him to move in some way that nothing seems to happen but the minute you are not looking or watching, something amazing happens!  That is the case today... Perhaps I will share what I mean at a later date but for now, I will hold my peace.

Lately I have been having a deep longing for a home of my own.  Now that my Dad has a job that works great for him and I'm no longer needed, it seems like I'm being forced out the door.

The ceiling in my room fell in on one corner a while back, seems as if Dad is grouchy almost every day and irritated with me, and my babies (God bless them) seem to be annoying everyone but me.  I've got a deep longing now to have my own place and my own space.  I need that.  I lived on my own for years and while I have been paying rent to my parents these last couple of years, I've never felt as if this was really my home.  There is some sadness for me, though, in this new desire.

When I packed up my apartment two or three years ago (I can't remember right now when I moved in!), I did not expect to leave my parents house until I was married.  So I carefully chose what to keep and what to chunk. All in mind that when I opened those boxes that would have everything a newly married couple needed in them, that I would be unpacking them with my new husband.  I could even envision this man looking in and laughing at this or that.  I really felt that living with my family would be training time in getting me ready to live with someone else after having been living alone for more than 10 years.

So it is sad for me now that I'm beginning to seriously think about leaving after all these years that this won't be the reality.  Yet... I do feel as if the time for major change is upon me.

Something else that struck me today is that I believe that I've finally put down roots in this community.  Now that I have two wonderful friends in Tuesday and Tawnya, I don't feel the need any longer to go chasing after some distant horizon.  I feel as if I should just stick around Clarinda indefinitely.  I was just telling Tuesday that when I think about the future, such as getting married or having children, I see her and Tawnya there sharing in those moments.  This was part of the message at the recent After 5 dinner I went to and I instantly thought of these two special ladies who are not just friends but also sisters.

So doors open... Others close... The Lord Jesus is in charge.  Praise be to the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!

These photos are of me & Tawnya (white shirt) & Tuesday (red shirt).

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I want to know what love is...

Okay, Okay.  I promise I'm not going to whine about my lack of a love life. I actually was just sitting here trying to think of what to write and this song is just stuck in my head! I want to know what love is video  One of my friends on facebook had posted it the other day and every so often it creeps back in.  Well I was searching for ringtones today on myexr.com (I totally recommend the site for free ringtones) and found it!  So, I set it for all unknown or unset incoming phone calls.

Today was a very good day.  It was my Friday for the week.  Tomorrow, I have about a million things that I have to do.  For those that do not know, I am skipping out on my family with my best friends, Tuesday & Tawnya.  We are going to Minnesota for the Understand the Times Conference in Eden Prairie, Minnesota.  So I am getting everything ready for this trip!

First I have to finish reading chapters 5 and 6 in my Intro to Policing book and then take the Unit 3 test.  Second, I have to do my laundry since I wore the three outfits I have chosen for the trip to work this week.  Two of them were new outfits and I absolutely could not resist the urge to wear them!  So... now I have to do laundry! ha.  Third, I need to pack and get everything rounded up.  I went to the grocery store today for "munchies", drinks and ice.  So I'm set there at least.

I'm really looking forward to this trip.  I was thinking about it today and this will be the first real vacation I've taken since I started working eons ago.  By saying that, I don't consider the various (somewhat local) conferences I've attended as being vacations as I was well within an hour or two from home.  This will also be the furthest North I've ever been in my life.  Prior to now, Chicago has held the title.  After the conference ends on Saturday, we're staying an additional day to go to Mall of America.  My only real plans for that location is to hit the book store and load up on Forensic Science and crime books! ha.


Just spending time with my two best friends.  A girls' weekend out!  These two ladies have become so near and dear to me.  They're not just my two best friends... they're also my sisters!!  It will be fun to get away without the distractions of home with them.  It will be a bonding experience for us all.  I need that. Sometimes I get really beat down emotionally but these two special ladies have a way of picking me up off the floor and helping me to get back where I need to be.  I can honestly say that of all the friendships I have had through the years, these two ladies have been the most strengthening friends I've ever had... I'm used to having to be the "strong" one but with these two friends.... I can lean on either one of them when I'm going through rough times....  I praise the Lord for that!

God has been so good to me and He is answering so many prayers right now.  I am excited to see what He brings next in my life....  Well, I am off to watch an episode of CSI and then scoot off to bed.  I think this will be an "Africa" night.  Good night all!!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Employee of the Quarter

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!!  I was notified that I am being awarded the non-security Employee of the Quarter at my place of work.  To be honest, I cannot believe that I am receiving this award.  I do not feel that I have done anything spectacular enough to earn it. I actually thought my cousin Sandie was playing some kind of prank on me and it was for that reason that it took until well after lunch before I showed my boss, Brenda, the card I had received.  I just could not fathom why I was receiving this award!  Of course, I'm tickled pink about it and wouldn't for a moment turn down the award. It just "staggers" my imagination!!  All glory to Jesus Christ for this one!  Any goodness someone has seen in me is completely from Him, I assure you!

I do not let people in on how I am feeling very often.  I think it has a lot to do with being single as long as I have been.  It is just more natural for me to work through my own thoughts and feelings.  Today some old questions and thoughts rolled through my mind as I worked through the tasks that I need to finish before tomorrow evening.  Sometimes, it would be nice to get clear cut answers but at the same time, I'm glad I do not know the answers because if the answer wasn't what I have hoped...  Well, no one likes to have their hopes dashed! ha.

My darling Sadie has become more and more clingy to me lately.  On Saturday morning, mom came in to let the dogs out so I could sleep in a little later.  Sadie refused to get out from under the covers, so mom had to leave her right where she was at.  Well, in Sadie tradition, she attacked me at 8:30 and woke me up.  She is so special to me.  Every day, she is getting more and more loving with me.  When I call for Jeremiah, she races to beat him and will get up on my chest so that he is relegated to the stomach section. ha.  I do not know why she has become so clingy but it brings warmth to my heart.  It is nice knowing that I am loved and having someone to love in return.

Dogs are a special gift from the Lord....