Thursday, November 25, 2010

Sarah's Top Ten

These are the top 10 things that I am thankful for this year!

10.  My relationship status.  This time last year I was in a relationship that wasn't good for me or for him.  I am thankful this year that the Lord intervened and has set me on a new path.  I am much happier now.  I still hope for that man that the Lord has promised me but I'm content where I am for the first time ever.  Actually, a lot of times I think I'm better off!! ha.

9.  My new job.  While I enjoyed my previous position at CCF, I am much more at ease in my new position.  It is a struggle sometimes when I'm trying to remember everything but there is such an opportunity for advancement where I am at.  As I was sitting there the other day, it struck me that I could really see myself working there until I retired - God willing!

8.  My new home town, Clarinda!  I have for years now been moping because I love my Texas so very much.  Yet the Lord has never allowed me to go back or to stay there.  Well the other day, it struck me how much I love Clarinda and Iowa now. Yes the winters are horrible but at the same time, it is nice to always have a White Christmas.  We also actually have every season of the year here.  Plus Clarinda is the type of town that you WANT to raise a family in.  Unlike myself, I want any children I will have in the future to have roots in a town and I realized only recently that Clarinda is where I want to raise a family.

7.  Facebook.  Okay, I know.  It seems funny to say that but you know what?  Facebook has brought me back into communication with people I haven't seen or talked to in ages!  I have friends on here that were my friends in Kindergarten!  As many times as I have moved through the years (and been like a hobo most my life) it is nice to be able to reconnect with all the people that I have loved and cared for in my life.  Facebook has done just that and for that, I am thankful for it!

6.  My church, Hillside Missionary Church.  I have been to several churches since I was saved in 2004.  They've all had their ups (good teaching, friends, activities, etc.) and their downs (legalism, unloving attitudes, self-righteousness) but it wasn't until I came to Hillside that I finally found a good rounding to what is most important.  Great teaching coupled with works outward into the community with a joyful Spirit upon the congregation and especially the Pastor.  Most importantly that love for everyone that Christ commanded us as believers to share.

4.  My dachshunds: Jeremiah, Sadie & my grandbabies Ariel, Pepper & Brutus.  They have brought so much joy into my life that I cannot even begin to describe how much I love them.  At night, Jeremiah & Sadie are right there with me. Granted Jeremiah waits until I'm asleep or almost asleep before he snuggles up next to me but it is such a comfort to have them there with me.  When I come home, nothing warms my heart quite as much as their enthusiastic greeting of love.

5.  My friends.  What can I say, I have the greatest group of friends a person could ever want!  I have people who love me and care for me just as I am in all my ways... even the weird ones!  We laugh together, we cry together, we lift each other up and most of all we love one another.  All my friends are the greatest gift I could ever have wanted and I thank Jesus for each and every one of you!  Tawnya, Tuesday, Tammy, Linda, Arlinda, James, and Charley.  You guys are such a wonderful blessing to me.  You are the sisters and big brothers that I've always wanted.  I cannot imagine a world without you guys and I am always praying that nothing ever hurts this special bond that we share!  I love you guys now and always!

3.  My family.  What a blessing I have to have such a large family.  I count not only my blood relation but also my extended family in Jesus.  The Lord smiled so much upon me when He put me into such a blessed family.  I take great joy especially for Reno.  He's such a special little guy for me.  I love him more than words can ever say.

2.  My Salvation & The Word.  Without the covering blood of Jesus, I would be nothing.  The Word guides me and shapes me.  It leads me in the paths of Righteousness. It ministers to me and keeps me.  Without it, I would be totally lost and doing only what is "right in my OWN eyes" rather than what is right in God's eyes.  Without my salvation, I would be hell bound.

1.  Father Abba God, Jesus Christ the son, and the blessed Holy Spirit.  Without them life would be meaningless.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sherlock Holmes... A New Generation

Yesterday I was at the store and saw the game Clue.  We used to have the game but a while back, we got rid of it along with a number of other old games that were cluttering up our upstairs.  Reno was still too young to enjoy it at the time and my mom & I did not play it as you have to have 3 players to do so.  So while I was patrolling Alco looking for a birthday present for one of my best friend's children, I thought... wouldn't that be fun?

Reno has recently been getting more and more interested in mysteries, especially those of Sherlock Holmes.  He has such an inquisitive mind that I knew if I could get him hooked into that sort of thing that he would absolutely love it.  I had no idea what I might have started!  We've watched various detective movies in the past but it was not until we watched the new Sherlock Holmes movie starring Robert Downy Jr. & Jude Law that his interest was definitely caught!  It was a fantastic movie.  Reno was intrigued previously with who Sherlock Holmes was and why various sports announcers had called him Sherlock Holmes.  With a last name like Holmes, it's almost inevitable! ha.  Any ways, I digress.  We watched this movie and it lit something up in him.  He absolutely loved it!  Well recently we watched another movie called Young Sherlock Holmes, which he also enjoyed.  It was also a pretty good movie.  The whole crime fighting and solving cases things is intriguing to him.  He had recently expressed interest in the game of Clue and as I stood in the store looking at it, I thought, why not? All the boardgames were on sale and I figured I wouldn't be able to get it any cheaper.  So I picked it up and later that night we played three rounds.

I might have created a monster.  Reno, on his score key, changed his name from Reno to Sherlock.  He also displayed some brilliance as we played.  I do not know how he knew but I would show mom a card, well out of sight from the lad, and he would KNOW instantly what card I had shown.  The same was true when mom showed me her card!  My mom solved two cases but Reno beat her to the pool both those times and got the credit.  It was amazing.  I do have to admit, the way his mind was working last night, he has some talent in the field.  I have to wonder if one day he might be a criminal investigator of some nature.

Or perhaps he'll just enjoy reading mysteries like Sherlock Holmes, playing Clue, and just enjoying the adventure of reasoning out "who did it".  In either case, it was fun playing last night.  We all had a great time and really enjoy the new version of Clue.  It is always such a blessing to spend time with family!